Magicbooking System
All our bookings will are made via our Magicbooking system which is paperless. It allows you to check your bookings, pay online with card as well as with Child Care Vouchers and Tax Free Credit and budget your payments monthly by creating your own payment plan and have financial statements. It is a secure financial system, GDPR compliant and is flexible to use.
We would always encourage you to book in advance (at least a term) so that your place is secure, as we only half a certain number of places in each individual club due to size of room and ratio of staff to child. However, ad hoc bookings can also be made if there is availability within the club and this can be done up to 3 hours before the session begins. You will be able to book and cancel sessions giving 4 weeks’ notice as per our terms and conditions available Click here to view our T&Cs.
If you have any queries or need help please contact
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